“To glorify the God of the Scriptures (by) earnestly contending for the faith which was once for all entrusted to the saints. By effectively entrusting this faith to others by making disciples who are led by the Spirit and conforming to the image of his Son. We believe this will lead to a Gospel-Centered Community of people who are from various ethnicities, cultures and socioeconomic backgrounds by tearing down the wall of hostility through the message of the cross. We seek to multiply by developing leaders, planting churches and sending missionaries.”

  • To glorify the God of the Scriptures (by) earnestly contending for the faith which was once for all entrusted to the saints.

    We desire to be a Church that cherishes the gift of faith by living in a manner that honors Christ. 

  • By effectively entrusting this faith to others by making disciples who are led by the Spirit and conforming to the image of his Son.

    We desire to be a Church that is intentionally nurturing one another for the glory of Christ. 

  • We believe this will lead to a Gospel-Centered Community of people who are from various ethnicities, cultures and socioeconomic backgrounds by tearing down the wall of hostility through the message of the cross.

    We desire to be a Church that unites people from various backgrounds to the redemptive work of Christ which leads to bearing one another’s burdens.

  • We seek to multiply by developing leaders, planting churches and sending missionaries.

    We desire to be a Church that is actively working within the four walls and outside the four walls to make Christ known to the world.